About us

About Organization

Citizenship Affected People’s Network- Nepal was established as a loosely connected network in 2015 to foster connections among individuals affected by citizenship laws and build momentum to address discriminatory nationality laws in Nepal. The formation of this network was the outcome of years of activism led by those impacted, seeking the recognition of their legal identity and equal status as citizens of Nepal. Currently, CAPN operates as a registered network led by individuals directly affected, working towards the goal of granting citizenship to stateless and affected individuals, allowing them to enjoy their rights with dignity. CAPN aspires to enhance the leadership role of affected individuals in initiatives to address the challenges posed by citizenship laws in Nepal. Historically, the discourse on statelessness has often overlooked meaningful consultation with those directly impacted by discriminatory nationality laws. CAPN endeavors to transform the existing advocacy structure, eventually ensuring that it is fully led by affected individuals.

Our Mission

Reducing and Eradicating Statelessness in Nepal

Our Vision

Advocate for legal reform and provide support to stateless and affected persons with affected-persons leading initiatives to address statelessness resulting in increased support to acquire citizenship for stateless persons.


Our Goals

  • Institutional growth and independence of the organization
  • Legal reform on citizenship 
  • Capacity strengthening and support to stateless and affected persons
  • Increases societal level awareness
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